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All About All-Saints’ Day

All About All-Saints’ Day

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith…”  (Hebrews 12:1-2) 

Sacred Scripture and Catholic Tradition teach that we are not alone in the journey toward heaven, but rather are surrounded by a “great cloud of witnesses” - all the holy saints in heaven who help us along the way!  The saints support us as we run the race of faith, cheering us on to victory by their example and prayers.  Just as we ask friends and family for help in life, we can ask the family of God, including the saints, to pray for us and help us persevere to the finish line of heaven.

What is All Saints’ Day?

Throughout the liturgical year, the Catholic Church celebrates feast days of individual saints on particular days.  Because there are many more canonized saints than days in the year, the Solemnity of All Saints celebrates ALL the saints in heaven, both those canonized and those known only to God.  This high feast day is celebrated on November 1st and is a Holy Day of Obligation, meaning the faithful are obliged to attend Mass and abstain from unnecessary work that hinders the suitable relaxation of mind and body.  In addition to attending Mass, many celebrate this great feast day with parties, parades, and other festivities!

Why do Catholics celebrate saints?

By canonizing some of the faithful, the Church proclaims a person practiced heroic virtue and lived faithful to God’s grace in the course of their life, and points to them as a model for others (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 828).  Celebrating saints helps us see real-life examples of how to live the Gospel and reminds us to call on the saints’ intercession in our needs. Since the saints in heaven are face-to-face with God, their prayers are especially powerful!

Be a Saint!

The Church teaches that "all the faithful of Christ of whatever rank or status, are called to the fullness of the Christian life and to the perfection of charity” (Lumen Gentium, V).  No matter one’s age or background, all are called to be saints! The vast array of canonized saints from all over the world, of every age and circumstance, serve as reminders that we are ALL called holiness, and that sanctity is truly possible with the help of God’s grace.

How will you celebrate All Saints’ Day this year?

At Party Like a Saint, we make celebrating the saints and liturgical living fun and easy!  Our 2023 All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day Party Packs provide you with saintly decorations and party supplies to put the “hallow” in Halloween!  Whether you are planning classroom parties, homeschool lessons, youth group activities or family fun, our All Saints Décor and Party Supplies help you share the joy of the saints and the hope of heaven!

Check out all our 2023 All Saints Party Packs today and get ready to Party Like A Saint!