Order by February 4th for St. Valentine's Day Order by February 4th for St. Valentine's Day


Reclaim Valentine's Day!

Reclaim Valentine's Day!

Reclaiming Holidays for Christ 

Many people today don’t know the origin of our common holidays. Why do we exchange cards on Valentine’s Day or dress up at Halloween? These once-Christian holidays are opportunities to evangelize our children and neighbors while celebrating God’s love for us! 

Hello, I’m Sean from Party Like a Saint. As a father, I’m always concerned that my kids learn and love the Faith. I also want to share the love of God with family, friends, and neighbors. Here at Party Like a Saint, we believe reclaiming our holidays is a wonderful way to share the Truth of Jesus Christ in a fun, meaningful way.  Take St. Valentine’s Day for example. 

Who Was St. Valentine? 

St. Valentine was a priest in Rome during the 200s. When Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage for soldiers, Valentine defied the decree and secretly performed marriages for young couples. For standing up for the sanctity of marriage, Valentine was martyred around 269 or 270.  Our email subscribers will receive his full story and coloring page free in their inbox in the next few weeks.  Subscribe now to be one of them!

Valentine’s Day: Reclaiming the True Meaning 

Valentine’s Day, once a feast to honor St. Valentine, has largely shifted away from its Christian roots, focusing more on romantic love and sweet treats. But at its core, it’s about love in its truest, most sacrificial form—the love Christ has for us, and the love that led St. Valentine to die for the Truth. 

As we created our new Valentine’s Cards, I was surprised to see how secular, trivial—and even crude—many Valentine’s products have become. That’s why we’ve included Scripture verses like John 3:16 (“You are loved”), 1 John 4:19 (“God first loved us”), and 1 Corinthians 13 (“Love is patient, love is kind”) to help refocus the holiday. These verses remind us that love isn’t just about cards and flowers; it’s about making a choice to love as Christ loved, and teaching our children to do the same. 

Other Holidays to Reclaim 

Halloween is another example of a Christian holiday that’s been drained of its meaning. Instead of celebrating saints who followed Jesus, we often see monsters and even blasphemous costumes. By refocusing our celebrations on the lives of saints, we can teach our kids how to live with heaven as the goal. 

Sadly, even Christmas and Easter have been diluted. But by incorporating elements like St. Nicholas and the true meaning of Christ’s birth and resurrection, we can restore their deeper significance. Christmas becomes a chance to share faith and joy, while Easter proclaims that fear and death do not define our lives. 

How Party Like a Saint Fits In 

At Party Like a Saint, we aim to help families reclaim holidays through simple, fun decorations and gifts that shine with love and faith. A simple, reusable banner can transform a forgotten feast day into a memorable celebration. Pair it with a short prayer and a special dinner, and you’ve just created a meaningful family tradition! 

This St. Valentine’s Day, we want to help you share God’s love with your kids and friends. We’d love to walk through the year with you, reclaiming our holidays one at a time. Subscribe to our email for reminders about upcoming feasts, tips for simple celebrations, and updates on our latest products. Let’s make this year the most faith-filled one yet!